tulun mnulun amalan kite =D

30 October 2010

raymond crooke singing p.ramlee song - getaran jiwa

firstly, ak btol2 tkjot tgk dye agak fluent dlm bhse malaysia... men lagu p.ramlee plak tu... perghh!!! lagu legend tu!!! sumpah ak mcm speechless tgk dye nyanyi... walaupon agak janggal tgk mat salleh nyanyi lagu mlayu,ak tabek spring r kt dye... ak sndri xtaw cmne nak nyanyi cm2 skali...huhu... siap men gitar lg tu... to raymond, u r astonishing superb dude!!! hohoho live the legacy of p.ramlee!!!
video ni ak amek kat - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YTKkIahNOg&feature=channel

p/s- well done raymond !

the maze muvee link =p

"Five friends break into a closed corn maze in the middle of the night and decide to play a harmless game of tag. Little do they know that a psychopathic killer has decided to play along. As they wander aimlessly through the maze the murderer follows closely behind, taunting them and watching their every move. The game turns deadly when the kids decide to separate and weaken their chances of survival. When the mutilated body of the maze owner is found they realize that something is terribly wrong. As they race to find the entrance of the maze, the murderer cleverly forces them to follow the path that he wants. Manipulating everyone to his vicious will, the killer taunts his victims and leads them further into the depths of the maze. After succumbing to hours of torture will anyone make it out of the maze...alive?"

2 link


Night of the Demons (2009) DVDRip-MKV

single link


d social network (muvee link)

jeng4!...agak lame suda ak carik link ni...akhirnye jupe jgk yg ok... huhu apo laei? sedhooottt!!!

single link


29 October 2010

gigo showcase by sem 4...

pagi td ak tbgun,ak tgk jam enpon da kol 9... ps2 ak tpikir,ak rse ak mcm ade mende la arini... pas2 ngan tbeliaknye ak mjerit, gigo! pundek pnyer enpon.. ak set kol 8 tp xdgr pon! hahaha...salakan enpon plak.. ps2 ape lg...ak cpat2 r g mandi siap...tros grak g unisel...ak nak call si kay,tp tkut kang event da start kang mcm ganggu plak nti...so ak pon call la si setan gmok.. ak call dye xhangkat! kiwak btol! ps2 ak pon drive la spantas mungkin ke unisel...
ssampainye ak kat unisel...peh lengang gile kot... bese r da cuti... so ak pon naek la lift nak nek atas... dlm pjalanan ak g lift ak ade tnmpk sorg bdk sem 4,ak tnye dye...da start lom? dye ckp tingkat 4...ak pon ngan keheranannye...ak sala tnye soklan ke? haha glak sensorg ak dlm lift... ps2 ak pon msok lt2...ak disambut bagaikan malaikat... hahahaha mane xnye, kalu ade spuluh org kat pintu,slupoh kali la ak dgr sile masuk...huhu ps2 ak tnmpk kay... fuh...nseb bek diorg xstart lg... ps2 ak pon standby sume brg2 kamera ak... ntok snappin time! wuarrghhhh wuarggghhh wuargghhh.... btw, antare budak sem 7 yg ak nmpk, faisal(setan gmok) n amer(ofkos la awek dye ade kot!)... hahaha ps2 ak pon mulekan la pergambaran... kechekak!kechikik!kechukuk!

ok skrg ak nak citer psl video2 diorg yg ak tgk...
overall superb,cume technical setting kne perbaiki lg... ak ske idea diorg..care dyorg develop idea,care diorg attract audience...cume camera setting kne perbaiki lg... yg len sume bes... bg ak xde tmpat 1 ke 2 ke 3...bg ak sume bes... idea diorg rare! btw, good job sem 4!

28 October 2010

lpak bsame masscom freshie =)

sblom ni ak mmg xpna lpak ngan diorg,yela mane xnye... ak cume knal sorg je... emma... haha... yg len ak xknal sgt... smlm mase ak pas anta emma g bus station...ak grak lpak ngan mmber2 emma kt mais...antare yg ak baru knal smlm adelah,fish,ammar(pnah jupe dlu),farahin,nad(da knal da),megat,n ade lg 2 org xsilap ak tp ak igt...huahua sorry beb... ak da xtaw nak wakpe, alang2 da kat lua ak pon lpak je la ngan diorg... bes lpak ngan diorg ni... ak sempat jgk r wat megic kat diorg... ade yg takot, tkjot,wat2 cool pon ade... haha nvm... ak da byk tgk reaksi org pas ak wat trick... huhuhu... mse ak lpak ngan diorg smlm,major topic ntok mlm tu adela topic diorg g pd,n diorg citer psl tmpt diorg stay... seri bulan xsilap ak... diorg ckp tmpt tu agak scary... mcm2 citer kuar... rugi si emma xde... tu r sape soh balek awal2...huahuahua.. so ni antare sedutan/video yg sempat ak rakam mse pbualan diorg ttg seri bulan...

sepetang di gazibo alam megah =)

pas ak g jenguk nenek ak kt pj...ak g lpak kt p1 wimax kt giant putraheight,dimane tmpt adek ak kije... then ak on9 kt sane jap... ps2 ak igt nak blek...mse tu pkol 6ptg... so ak pon nek krete igt nak chaw, ps2 mse ak kua dari giant,ak tnmpk matahari nak terbenam, ps2 ak tringat mase ak kat broga aritu, ps2 ak tpkir, kt area alam megah ade x port2 yg bes mse petang... ps2 blink! ak tringat kt tmn rekreasi alam megah yg ak panggil gazibo... ak pon xtaw nape ak panggil gazibo,ak dgr mmber2 ak panggil gazibo so ak pon men slambe badak je ikot gak... haha... mse ak smpai tu agak cerah lg... n agak ramai org kt situ... so ak amek ksempatan tu ntok snap2 ape yg patot... huhuhu... so ni la ape yg ak da tapis...sbb ade byk...ak amek yg mne ak tgk ok je...huhuhu... n sume ni non-edited... xpndai r nak edit2... huhu... kasi usha sket ey... huhu...

antare yg menarik!

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